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Customer’s reviews
Luis N., Mar 12th 2017
Melanie V., Apr 7th 2017
Frank P., Jun 19th 2017
I got some good trades on my Chrysler 300 here. The Chrysler Auto Auction’ staff were very helpful throughout the entire process, they told me how to list my car, and they even called me to make sure I got some bids on it. Thank you
I found exactly what I wanted online and put in a request for more information on the car to check that it was still available. I was emailed back in just a few hours, and at the end of the day the car was mine. I'm very thankful to Chrysler Auto Auction for the best car purchase I ever had
Would buy again ANYTIME from this car auction. The large inventory and the good prices are not everything they can be proud of, they also provide pre-sale and post-sale inspections on lots of cars which is much better than buying an As/Is car. Thanks!